Brand history
  • March 2023
    March 2023

    SDODT successfully joined the brain-computer interface industry alliance and became a member unit

  • February 2023
    February 2023

    SDODT successfully settled in the post-doctoral innovation practice base in Pudong New Area

  • February 2023
    February 2023

    SDODT and Sea Tiger Health jointly build the "Sea Tiger Health Digital Sleep Center" to create a full-process sleep health medical management service

  • December 2022
    December 2022

    SDODT won the Top 10 Excellent Enterprise in Digital Therapy in China

  • December 2022
    December 2022

    SDODT participated in the World Summit of Medical Science and Technology, and its "Attention Enhancement Training Software" won the top 100 award for the best digital and information products/solutions in 2022

  • November 2022
    November 2022

    the digital medicine intelligent autism VR evaluation and intervention project participated in the 2022 World VR Industry Conference

  • October 2022
    October 2022

    the new product launch of Sleep Monitoring System was successfully held, and the product officially entered the market

  • October 2022
    October 2022

    SDODT started a new clinical trial in Zhejiang University Children's Hospital for the ADHD product

  • October 2022
    October 2022

    SDODT moved to a new residence and began a new chapter in the development of digital medicine

  • September 2022
    September 2022

    SDODT signed a contract for the key project of artificial intelligence of Shanghai Pudong Zhangjiang Group

  • 2022-07

    ADHD products have obtained clinical trial results, and digital therapy products developed for ADHD have been proved effective in clinical trials

  • July 2022
    July 2022

    the "digital sleep" product of SDODT was promoted to participate in SAIL Award of 2022 World AI Conference (Outstanding AI Leader Award)

  • July 2022
    July 2022

    SDODT joined the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association and AI Medical Special Committee

  • 2022-06

    Officially renamed Shanghai Digital Medicine Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

  • May 2022
    May 2022

    SDODT successfully assisted the first artificial intelligence and digital medical innovation forum of Central South Xiangya Hospital;

  • June 2022
    June 2022

    SDODT started a clinical trial in the Pediatric Hospital affiliated to Fudan University (the National Children's Medical Center) for the ADHD product

  • May 2022
    May 2022

    SDODT and VBData jointly held FOCUS 2022 digital therapy online salon - innovative exploration of digital therapy empowering the diagnosis and treatment of brain-related diseases

  • July 2021
    July 2021

    SDODT joined the China Rehabilitation Technology Transformation and Development Promotion Association, and became one of the main members of the China Rehabilitation Technology Transformation and Development Promotion Association

  • January 2021
    January 2021

    SDODT was established

  • October 2020
    October 2020

    cooperate with TCCI to develop VR products for elderly rehabilitation

  • August 2020
    August 2020

    Shengqu Games and Zhejiang University jointly established the "Legend Innovation Center" to promote the development of digital medicine industry

  • June 2020
    June 2020

     the R&D team was incubated in Shanghai Shengqu Games (formerly Shanda Games Ltd.) Research Institute

  • November 2020
    November 2020

    joined the China Digital Therapy Alliance and became one of the main members of the China Digital Therapy Alliance

Industry experts said

Relevant policies and trends of digital therapy industry

  • 海南省发布《海南省加快推进数字疗法产业发展的若干措施》


  • Hainan Province issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for Digital Health Development in Hainan Province

    In January 2022, Hainan Province issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for the Development of Digital Health in Hainan Province, which is the first time that "digital therapy" has been included in the provincial plan. In October 2022, Hainan Province issued "Several Measures to Accelerate the Development of Digital Therapy Industry in Hainan Province", which is the first special policy document supporting the development of digital therapy industry at the provincial level in China. These two documents have aroused strong concern in the industry, provided strong guidance for the development of digital therapy industry in Hainan Province, and also injected strong impetus into the progress of digital therapy in China.

  • 国内首家数字疗法产业园区


  • 杭州市发布《关于加快生物医药产业高质量发展若干意见》


  • 中国国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)批准了首个数字疗法Ⅱ类医疗器械

    2020年11月,中国国家药品监督管理局(National Medical Products Administration,NMPA)批准了首个数字疗法Ⅱ类医疗器械,揭开了中国数字疗法的序幕。

  • 德国联邦药品和医疗器械管理局(BfArM) 为DiGA(德国数字疗法) 正式实施快速审批程序

    2020年5月,德国联邦药品和医疗器械管理局(BfArM) 为DiGA(德国数字疗法) 正式实施快速审批程序,其中15款数字疗法产品获正式审批。

  • 中国首个数字疗法正式组织成立


  • 美国卫生与公众服务部以及FDA联合发布了《用于在新冠疫情期间治疗心理疾病的数字健康设备的强制政策》


  • 全球首个数字疗法联盟成立

    2017年,全球首个数字疗法联盟——Digital Therapeutics Alliance (数字疗法联盟)成立;截止目前,全球认证会员企业已超过100个。

  • FDA下属的医疗器械和放射健康中心发布了数字健康创新行动计划

    2017年7月,FDA 下属的医疗器械和放射健康中心 (CDRH,Center for Devicesand Radiological Health) 发布了数字健康创新行动计划 (Digital Health InnovationAction Plan),是数字健康产品发展的奠基性政策文件。
